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The teether is smaller than the permitted dimensions specified in the mandatory standard 'Consumer Protection Notice No. 14 of 2003 — Consumer Product Safety Standard: Toys for children up to and including 36 months of age'.
Public date : 11/11/2019
Users may not be aware of important safety information about the use of the product (i.e. Warning will not protect against drowning only use under constant supervision). There is potentially an increased risk of drowning if the product is not used as intended.
Public date : 11/11/2019
Listeria may cause illness in pregnant women and their unborn babies, the elderly and people with low immune systems.
Public date : 11/11/2019
The cord can stretch and may wind around a child’s neck, especially if swung around the head, and pose a risk of strangulation. The highly elastic and ‘sticky’ nature of the cord can constrict breathing if wound tightly.
Public date : 11/11/2019
The seams of the hot water bottle may easily tear open when in use. The rubber bottle can therefore leak hot water and cause burns.
Public date : 08/11/2019
The stability of the warning triangle is inadequate. Consequently the triangle could easily overturn and oncoming vehicles would not be warned of the presence of an obstacle, increasing the risk of accidents.
Public date : 08/11/2019