
Particle filter mask

Treatise 19 มีนาคม 2564

Category :

Medical equipment / Health equipment

Product Name :

FFP2 NR Filtering Half Mask

Product Code :


Category :


Supplier Name :


Status :

Item for sale is strictly prohibited.

Product type :

Foreign country

Remark/Danger :

The product advertises a protective potential against particles but its filtering capacity has not been tested by a relevant competent European conformity assessment body, and it misuses the CE marking and the model name of a different product from the same manufacturer, which is certified. The packaging of the two being identical, there is no possibility for the consumer to see that it is not the certified product. In addition, the product has a complete different shape and size than the certified product, and due to its small size, it does not cover the mouth and nose entirely. Consequently, it is not proven that the product fulfils the health and safety requirements; thus, even if combined with other recommended measures, it may not properly protect.

Product Location :


Dangers found :

The product advertises a protective potential against particles but its filtering capacity has not been tested by a relevant competent European conformity assessment body, and it misuses the CE marking and the model name of a different product from the same manufacturer, which is certified. The packaging of the two being identical, there is no possibility for the consumer to see that it is not the certified product. In addition, the product has a complete different shape and size than the certified product, and due to its small size, it does not cover the mouth and nose entirely. Consequently, it is not proven that the product fulfils the health and safety requirements; thus, even if combined with other recommended measures, it may not properly protect. The product does not comply with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation and with the relevant European standard EN 149.

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